The North Face – UTMB 2023

Agencias / Agencies: Bisonte Experiential Marketing
País / Country: México
Marca / Brand: The North Face
Categoría / Category: Brand Experience / Event

En la última edición de la UTMB, tuvimos el honor de colaborar con The North Face para ofrecer una experiencia inmersiva 360º que dejó una huella imborrable en los participantes y espectadores.

Durante tres días, estuvimos presentes en diferentes momentos, destacándonos con elementos de visibilidad y branding.
La verdadera magia comenzó cuando llevamos a atletas de élite a explorar las maravillas naturales de la región, poniendo a prueba el rendimiento y la tecnología de los productos de la marca.

El evento culminó con el branding de la carrera, incluyendo banderas, abastecimientos de agua, señalamientos, arcos de meta y otros elementos.

También implementamos una Pop-Up store donde corredores y público interactuaron directamente con The North Face, viviendo la experiencia de compra.



In the latest edition of the UTMB, we had the honor of collaborating with The North Face to offer an immersive 360º experience that left an indelible mark on participants and spectators.

For three days, we were present at different moments, standing out with visibility and branding elements.

The real magic began when we took elite athletes to explore the natural wonders of the region, putting the performance and technology of the brand’s products to the test.

The event culminated with the branding of the race, including flags, water supplies, signage, finish line arches, and other elements.

We also implemented a Pop-Up store where runners and the public interacted directly with The North Face, experiencing the shopping experience firsthand.


Impactos / Impacts

  • 11 corredores de México y Chile.
  • Media Partner Exclusivo: Men’s Health México.
  • 1 PopUp Store.
  • 3 Podiums: 1er lugar 10k con Chikorita (Embajador Mexicano), 1er lugar 33k con Jeff Rosas, 2nd lugar 33k Chava Martínez.
  • Best Brand Activation on site (war-marketing).
  • 3 autos brandeados con Partnership estratégico con Jeep.
  • 1 Batucada en TNF´s Cheer Zone.
  • 3 TNF’s Sessions e UTMB Expo.
  • Incremento de 1,100 followers de 31 de octubre al 5 de nvoiembre en TNF’s RRSS.
  • Post colaborativo con TNF Chile con la Experiencia Catamaran con: 13,875 views, 391 likes, 12,694 reach, 3.7% Engagement Rate.
  • Colaboración con TNF Chile UTMB Recap con: 7,208 views, 392 likes.
  • 43 Stories con: 70,066 usuarios impactados, 1,289 interacciones, 2% engagement rate.
  • 88 instagram stories de las cuentas personales de atletas.
  • 108 instagrams stories de consumidores de TNF taggeando la marca.



  • 11 runners from Mexico and Chile.
  • Exclusive Media Partner: Men’s Health México.
  • 1 Pop-Up Store.
  • 3 Podiums: 1st place 10k with Chikorita (Mexican Ambassador), 1st place 33k with Jeff Rosas, 2nd place 33k Chava Martínez.
  • Best Brand Activation on site (war-marketing).
  • 3 branded cars with strategic partnership with Jeep.
  • 1 Batucada in TNF’s Cheer Zone.
  • 3 TNF’s Sessions and UTMB Expo.
  • Increase of 1,100 followers from October 31 to November 5 on TNF’s social media.
  • Collaborative post with TNF Chile with the Catamaran Experience: 13,875 views, 391 likes, 12,694 reach, 3.7% Engagement Rate.
  • Collaboration with TNF Chile UTMB Recap: 7,208 views, 392 likes.
  • 43 Stories with: 70,066 users impacted, 1,289 interactions, 2% engagement rate.
  • 88 Instagram stories from athletes’ personal accounts.
  • 108 Instagram stories from TNF consumers tagging the brand.


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