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Fake Out of Home Advertising: Redefining Reality in Street Marketing

FOOH Advertising what is fake out of home

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, a new trend is emerging that’s capturing attention and raising questions about the boundaries between reality and illusion. Welcome to the world of Fake Out of Home Advertising, or FOOH, a revolutionary approach that’s transforming how brands interact with their audiences in the online sphere. Unlike traditional 3D billboards, this type of advertising harnesses the power of CGI technology, creating spectacular visual communications that blur the lines between the real and the virtual.


What is FOOH or Fake Out of Home Advertising?

Fake Out of Home Advertising, commonly known as FOOH, is a cutting-edge form of outdoor advertising that leverages state-of-the-art technologies, primarily Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI), to create hyper-realistic images of advertisements that never actually existed in the physical world. These immersive ads are meticulously designed to grab attention, foster engagement, and generate buzz across social media platforms.

This creative strategy, which can sometimes be controversial and polarizing, continues to gain momentum and evolve alongside emerging technologies, offering increasingly impactful and immersive experiences. Brands are increasingly betting on ingenuity and creativity in their FOOH campaigns to maximize impact and capture consumer attention.


The Technology Behind FOOH

The creation of convincing FOOH advertising relies on a combination of advanced technologies:
Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI): This is the cornerstone of FOOH advertising. CGI allows for the creation of highly detailed and realistic 3D models and environments that can be seamlessly integrated into real-world settings.

  • Augmented Reality (AR): AR technology allows for the real-time integration of digital elements into the real world, typically through a smartphone or tablet camera.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: These technologies can be used to optimize the placement and timing of FOOH ads, as well as to create more personalized experiences based on user data.
  • 3D Mapping: This technique is used to project digital content onto physical surfaces, creating the illusion that the ad is part of the real environment.
  • Motion Tracking: This technology allows digital elements to move in sync with the real world, enhancing the illusion of reality.
  • High-Resolution Displays: For static FOOH installations, ultra-high-resolution displays can create images so detailed that they’re indistinguishable from reality at a distance.


The Illusion of Reality

What sets FOOH Advertising apart is its hyper-realistic nature. These ads employ augmented reality (AR) or CGI techniques to create digital content that could easily be mistaken for genuine real-world experiences. Whether it’s a picturesque sunset over a tranquil beach, a bustling city teeming with life, recreating aquariums at bus stops in the middle of the city, or integrating 3D elements that seem to defy the laws of reality, the only limit is imagination. These FOOH strategies have the power to amaze and captivate viewers.

The surprise factor and that questioning of “is this real or not” manages to get people involved with the advertising and share it on social networks, generating a high level of virality and reach for brands organically.


The Appeal of FOOH in Your Marketing Strategy

FOOH Advertising has gained significant traction due to its ability to create an emotional connection with the audience, transporting them to far-off destinations, immersing them in fantastical worlds, or allowing them to visualize the perfect lifestyle. This emotional resonance often translates into greater brand engagement, fostering a deeper connection between consumers and the advertised products or services. It’s as if brands come to life and whisper in our ear, inviting us to become part of their story.

But the magic of FOOH doesn’t stop there. Its ability to surprise us and question our perception of reality makes it a powerful tool for generating virality and organic reach. Imagine a street art piece that suddenly comes to life, or a storefront that looks like it’s straight out of a science fiction movie. These captivating experiences leave us in awe and drive us to share them with our friends and family, multiplying the impact of the campaign on digital media.

However, as with any advertising strategy, there are challenges and ethical considerations that we cannot ignore.


The Impact of FOOH on Consumer Behavior

As FOOH advertising continues to evolve and become more prevalent, it’s crucial to consider its impact on consumer behavior. These hyper-realistic, often surprising advertisements can significantly influence how consumers perceive and interact with brands.

  • Increased Engagement: FOOH ads tend to be more engaging than traditional advertising formats. The element of surprise and the blurring of reality and fiction can capture attention more effectively, leading to higher engagement rates.
  • Emotional Connection: By creating immersive experiences, FOOH can forge stronger emotional connections between consumers and brands. This emotional resonance can lead to increased brand loyalty and recall.
  • Social Sharing: The unique and often spectacular nature of FOOH campaigns makes them highly shareable on social media platforms. This organic sharing can significantly extend the reach of the campaign beyond its initial audience.
  • Expectation Management: As consumers become more accustomed to these hyper-realistic ads, their expectations for brand experiences may shift. This could potentially lead to a demand for more interactive and immersive brand interactions across all touchpoints.
  • Skepticism and Ad Fatigue: On the flip side, as FOOH becomes more common, there’s a risk of consumers developing skepticism or experiencing ad fatigue. Brands will need to continually innovate to keep their FOOH campaigns fresh and engaging.


Not All Is Smooth Sailing

While FOOH Advertising offers an exciting new frontier in the world of marketing, it’s not without its challenges and potential drawbacks. The fine line between reality and illusion can be deceptive, and its nature, which sometimes confuses reality, also generates controversy and ethical debates surrounding transparency and responsibility in marketing.

While it’s true that Fake Out of Home Advertising achieves results, some argue that if there’s no real harm and it’s only seeking to entertain creatively, there wouldn’t be a problem. But from the other side, it’s criticized that brands shouldn’t base their strategies on “deceiving” people.

Faced with this dilemma, we recommend that FOOH campaigns always integrate some element that allows identifying their advertising nature. Transparency and moderation are fundamental for brands to benefit from this trend without crossing the line of ethics.

Here are some considerations for brands venturing into the world of Fake Out of Home Advertising:

  • Transparency: It’s crucial for brands to be transparent about the use of CGI or AR in their ads. Clearly labeling content as FOOH can help build trust with the audience.
  • Content Quality: The success of FOOH Advertising depends on the quality of the content. Poorly executed CGI or AR can lead to a negative perception of the brand.
  • Ethical Concerns: FOOH ads that deceive viewers into believing they are real can raise ethical concerns. Brands should prioritize honesty and authenticity in their campaigns.
  • Audience Expectations: Understanding the target audience’s expectations is crucial. Some may appreciate the craftsmanship of FOOH, while others may prefer traditional advertising.
  • Accessibility: As FOOH often relies on smartphone technology for full interactivity, there are concerns about accessibility for those who don’t have access to such devices.
  • Public Space: FOOH ads often utilize public spaces in their imagery. This raises questions about the commercialization of public areas and the rights of citizens to ad-free spaces.


Examples of FOOH Advertising

FOOH Advertising can be used to create a variety of effects, such as:

  • Creating eye-catching and attractive visuals
  • Telling stories or creating narratives
  • Promoting products or services creatively
  • Generating buzz and excitement around a brand or product


Here are some examples of FOOH Advertising:

Scotiabank Shows Its Pride

One day before the 2024 LGBT+ Pride March in Mexico City, Scotiabank “deployed” the LGBTIQ+ flag on its central offices, located near Paseo de la Reforma and Periférico. This virtual display of solidarity created a powerful visual statement without the need for physical installation.



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MAX “Takes Over” Historical Monuments

To promote its series House of Dragons 2, the company “took possession” of historical monuments in Latin America such as Chapultepec Castle and the Obelisk in Buenos Aires. These digital overlays created a striking contrast between the ancient and the fantastical.


El Castillo de Chapultepec, en México, fue reclamado por su reina Rhaenyra Targaryen y el consejo negro. #raiseyourbanners #lacasadeldragón #hotd2 #max #méxico #HouseOfTheDragon @Max Latinoamérica @HBO Max #rhaenyratargaryen

♬ House of the Dragon – Theme – Epic Version – L’Orchestra Cinematique



El mismísimo obelisco, en pleno Buenos Aires, fue reclamado por la legítima reina Rhaenyra Targaryen y el Consejo Negro 🐉 Es momento de elegir tu bando #LaCasadelDragón #HOTD2

♬ sonido original – Max Latinoamérica

Lenny Kravitz Takes Over Mexico City, Paris, Berlin, and London with Fake Out Of Home

Lenny Kravitz is celebrating not only because he turned 60 on May 26, but also because of the recent release of “Blue Electric Light,” his latest studio album, which he promotes with several Fake Out Of Home (FOOH) pieces, one of the most viral digital marketing strategies currently.

The campaign featured Kravitz’s image and album promotion virtually displayed on iconic landmarks:

The Angel of Independence in Mexico City

The Eiffel Tower in Paris



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Hollywood Sign in Los Angeles



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Una publicación compartida por Lenny Kravitz (@lennykravitz)

London Bridge in London



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Una publicación compartida por Lenny Kravitz (@lennykravitz)

Alexanderplatz in Berlin

Each of these virtual installations created a powerful visual impact, linking Kravitz’s music with globally recognized locations.



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Una publicación compartida por Lenny Kravitz (@lennykravitz)

Buchanan’s FOOH with Bizarrap

Buchanan’s, from the Diageo house, celebrated the launch of its first flavored drink, Buchanan’s Pineapple, with a train in the heart of Polanco featuring music from its brand ambassador Bizarrap. This virtual train installation brought a sense of movement and excitement to the static urban landscape.



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Primark’s Fake Out of Home Advertising

Primark, known for its fast fashion, has also dabbled in FOOH advertising, creating virtual displays that showcase their products in unexpected urban settings.


El FOOH (Fake Out of Home) ADVERTISING 🤯 es un tipo de publicidad exterior que aprovecha tecnologías de vanguardia, para crear imágenes realistas de anuncios que nunca existieron en el mundo real. 🏙️ Estos anuncios inmersivos están diseñados para captar la atención, generar participación y crear revuelo en las redes sociales. Ha ganado una tracción significativa debido a su capacidad para crear una conexión emocional con la audiencia. 👀📲 🎥 @mateus.vfx / @primark #foohadvertising #fakeoutofhome #advertising #publicidad #publicidadexterior #marketindigital #rrss #communitymanager #socialmedia #españa #primark

♬ sonido original – Leidy Diana


Netflix and its FOOH for the New Season of Avatar, “The Legend of Aang”

To promote the new season of Avatar, Netflix made use of FOOH, creating a visually stunning piece that brought the world of Avatar into real-world settings.

London Essence – 2024

London Essence, the premium mixer drinks brand, launched its new campaign in London and Dublin called London Distilled, where they made use of OOH and this FOOH that is surprising everyone on social networks, relying on CGI technology. The campaign created virtual fountains and waterfalls in urban settings, emphasizing the brand’s connection to water and purity.

Barbie in Dubai

The iconic doll brand created a larger-than-life FOOH installation in Dubai, showcasing Barbie in the context of the city’s futuristic architecture.

Maybelline New York in the London Underground and Streets

Maybelline utilized FOOH to transform London’s underground stations and streets into vibrant makeup palettes, bringing color and creativity to typically mundane spaces.

Adidas at the Obelisk in Argentina

Adidas created a virtual takeover of the iconic Obelisk in Buenos Aires, turning it into a giant advertisement for their latest product line.

Resident Evil in Times Square

The popular video game franchise used FOOH to bring the zombie apocalypse to Times Square, creating a chilling and immersive experience for passersby.

Adidas for the Revelation of the New Jersey of the Saudi Arabia National Team

Adidas unveiled the new Saudi Arabia national team jersey with a spectacular FOOH display, projecting the design onto iconic Saudi landmarks.

L’Oréal with its Presentation of the New Liquid Lipstick

L’Oréal Paris used FOOH to showcase its new liquid lipstick, creating virtual displays that appeared to interact with the urban environment.


The North Face in London

The North Face impacted with a giant jacket in The World Famous Big Ben in London.

Jacquemus Bags Roam the Streets of Paris for Fashion Week

Luxury fashion brand Jacquemus created virtual oversized versions of their iconic bags, placing them in various locations around Paris during Fashion Week. This creative use of FOOH not only showcased the products but also added a touch of whimsy to the city’s landscape.

The Future of FOOH Advertising

As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for FOOH Advertising are limitless. From virtual travel experiences to interactive product demonstrations, brands are poised to push the boundaries of creativity and engagement.

FOOH Advertising represents a captivating fusion of reality and imagination, offering brands new ways to connect with their audiences in the digital landscape. However, it’s a world that requires careful navigation, as the allure of the unreal must coexist with transparency and ethical considerations.
As brands continue to explore the potential of FOOH Advertising, the line between real and unreal will blur, challenging our perceptions and expanding the horizons of digital marketing.

Augmented Reality: The Future of FOOH Advertising

Finally, a trend that promises to revolutionize this innovative form of advertising even further is the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) technologies.
Imagine walking down the street and suddenly seeing an advertisement come to life through your cell phone, with 3D models, special effects, and interactive experiences in the style of “Black Mirror”.

All indications are that Fake Out of Home Advertising still has much to explore and impact us in both the physical and digital worlds. The ethical debate remains open, and brands have in their hands the opportunity to bet on innovation with responsibility in this phenomenon that remains more relevant than ever in the field of marketing.


The Future of FOOH: Trends and Predictions

As we look to the future, several trends are likely to shape the evolution of FOOH advertising:

  • Increased Personalization: With advancements in AI and data analytics, FOOH ads are likely to become more personalized, potentially changing based on the viewer or time of day.
  • Interactive FOOH: Future FOOH ads may allow for greater interactivity, responding to gestures or voice commands from viewers.
  • Integration with IoT: As the Internet of Things (IoT) expands, FOOH ads may interact with smart city infrastructure or personal devices to create more immersive experiences.
  • Sustainable FOOH: As environmental concerns grow, we may see a shift towards FOOH as a more sustainable alternative to physical outdoor advertising.
  • FOOH in Virtual and Augmented Reality: As VR and AR technologies become more widespread, FOOH may expand into these virtual spaces, creating new advertising opportunities.
  • Regulatory Frameworks: As FOOH becomes more prevalent, we’re likely to see the development of regulatory frameworks to govern its use and ensure ethical practices.

Fake Out of Home Advertising represents a fascinating convergence of technology, creativity, and marketing strategy. It offers brands unprecedented opportunities to capture attention and create memorable experiences in an increasingly cluttered advertising landscape. However, with these opportunities come significant responsibilities.

As FOOH continues to evolve, it will be crucial for brands to strike a balance between innovation and ethical considerations. Transparency, respect for public spaces, and consideration for the potential impacts on society should be at the forefront of FOOH strategy.

The future of FOOH is likely to be shaped by technological advancements, changing consumer expectations, and evolving regulatory frameworks. Brands that can navigate these challenges while creating compelling, respectful, and innovative campaigns will be well-positioned to succeed in this new frontier of advertising.


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